How to Start a YouTube Channel

Every day, YouTube users in the United States watch over 8000 years of content and yet only 9% of small businesses have bothered to start their own channels. As YouTube usage continues to soar, don’t let your business be one of the ones that are left behind.

In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at setting up a fully carianad YouTube channel for your business and creating great content that engages your current customers and attracts new ones as well. A comprehensive content strategy on YouTube will help you build your brand’s identity, showcase your products, and connect with your audience in fresh and exciting ways.

Let’s get started!

Setting Up a YouTube Channel for Your Business

To create a YouTube account for your business, you’ll need to first create a personal Google+ profileas well as a Google+ page for your business.

Once you have that taken care of, you’ll be ready to get your YouTube channel started. I’ve put together an example store on Google+ that I’ll be using to guide you through the steps.

Here we go.

google my business store

1. Login to the Google+ account associated with your business and head over to the YouTube Channel Switcher.

create channel example store

2. You should see your personal account as well as the option to create a new account for your Google+ business page. Click on your business page.

click ok create channel

3. A pop-up will appear asking you to confirm that you’d like to create a channel for your business. Click ‘OK’.

connect pages youtube google plus

4. Another pop-up will appear notifying you that your YouTube channel and Google+ page will now be connected. Click ‘OK’ again.

youtube business channel

5. Congratulations! You’re now the proud owner of a YouTube business channel.

47 thoughts on “How to Start a YouTube Channel”

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  6. I don’t think the title of your article matches the content lol. Just kidding, mainly because I had some doubts after reading the article.

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